Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored- Aldous Huxley
Hey! I'm walkin' here!- Ratso Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman) Midnight Cowboy
Placed inside your ear canal, it's buds blossoming into sound with a touch, the portable mp3 player has become the greatest asset to anyone wanting a constant soundtrack for their lives. This isn't news to anyone who's been alive in the last 3 years. Manhattan, Mecca for the ipodded masses, has scores of people silently nodding their head to a favorite song, everywhere they go. At the park, on the street, on the train, in the restaurant, in the bookstore and at work music is filling up the monotonous quiet moments, drowning the street's constant blare. You're not missing much anyways while your riding the train, or walking to the corner...are you?
I've been on a mission as of late, recede quietly from the nasty habit of not being fully aware of everything around me. I love my little shuffle. It holds just the right amount of music from my collection, and I change it out daily. But, I've noticed while wearing my headphones, I get into a trance. The constant drone of a song plays in my head while I daze off into space, on the train or walking outside. Many people believe this is an ideal way to pass through the droll commute or daily hassle of the New York streets, head in the sand.
Part of my mission includes wearing my headphones for a set amount of time. For example, I can listen to them on the commute to work, but not on the way home. It's time for headphone addicts to take similar action. The environment around you is a living, breathing organism that is humanity. The 6 train's whoosh as it enters the station, the dog barking, the loud conversations that two men are having next to you, the beggars, the vendors, the subway performers and the overheard conversations are all reasons you should listen. Listen to the music that 8 million people make everyday, because you are one of them. A triangle player in the symphony of tires splashing through water, wind rustling around a building and Ah-ha's "Take on Me" blaring out of that guy's Mazarati.
My vote is for ghettoblasting.
advocate> staying alert with all your senses available is the best way to avoid muggings, rapings, and/or blackjackings
opposition> i hate those sounds. i hate people. and i hate you.
Your sound opinion is very well understood. It's too bad you have no backbone.
Normally i don't revisit shitty blogs for lastword´s sake, but i am truly offended. I do have a backbone but it is horribly deformed due to a cruel disorder called Scoliosis. (look it up) In any event, my spine is supported by a titanium rod that corrects my posture. My opinion needs no such support. Eat It!
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