*a note to all those: This was written by Michelle, not me. Don't know how there could be confusion, or confusion of the use of he/she.*
from Blogher

Oh god, the pain, the anguish, the moist panties. My worst work crush happened on 9/11; everyone's in the office watching CNN not doing anything; we were in a federal building and couldn't leave and started talking. How sick is that? Suddenly you see someone in a stressful situation, and you're single, and you start thinking "hmm, I wonder."
And then, two days later, you come back from lunch and see him running past you on the path around the office park without a shirt and you are gone. The problem with office crushes is they go on, and on, and on, because you see them every friggin' day. My Mr. Gorgeous Abs was completely unattainable because I had just been promoted to Marketing Manager and I was marketing for the newest division for which he was a sales rep. He was nine years younger than me and he was just . . . beautiful. But if I had gone after him, I would have lost my job. So . . . there I am one Sunday working overtime on a project, and I'm in his office going through his desk trying to find out his address. How sad is that? I never did anything about it. Too chicken.
Ah, memories. Eventually he moved to another division on a different floor and not seeing him every day made the crush gradually fade away. He got laid off just before me and I haven't seen him since. Sigh .
Michelle Tackabery
Raleigh, NC
you lost me at he/she. was this a hermaphrodite advocacy project? people born with both male and female abs....creepy.
agreed... what is this post about... geeeeez jeff what were you smokin!
wow...can't believe i have to spell this one out. He/she is a way of saying him or her, as in boy or girl. The letter is from the woman pictured, who also looks like Bruce McCullough from Kids in the Hall as the character Cathy. The point was...fuck it nevermind.
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